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   AA Cafe Podcast from DoubleShot Coffee Company

Explore coffee through history, science, music, and other vaguely-related topics. Join Brian Franklin from Tulsa Oklahoma's DoubleShot Coffee Company and co-host Mark Brown from as they meander around coffee-inspired ideas and engaging interviews.

May 31, 2007

Michael! We're the pink sprinkles on top of the podcast frappuccino. My highschool football coach told me to quit assuming. And I'm telling you the same thing. We find out that coffee may reduce the risk of breast cancer, and Brian volunteers to test for it. Mr. Charbucks goes up against the big boys. Eric the red...

May 30, 2007

Josh and Brian "drop the ball on the podcast new year." Instructions on how to clean your coffeemaker. A letter from Larry's girlfriend in Seattle. And one from "" We reminisce about DoubleShot and think of the future. And join in the countdown to 2006.

May 23, 2007

Michael rejoins AA Cafe to learn Brian-bonics. Shut up! And listen to the very lengthy coffeenews™. About rampaging Santas in New Zealand. Come on Arlene! Michael gives us a Chirstmas sermon and we talk about what coffees are best for the holidays.

May 20, 2007

Misty's back. Sugar makes things sweeter. We talk about it. And we describe why and how to give yourself a coffee enema. Brian reads a letter from his army hero, Brad. If you're looking for a coffee-related Christmas gift... And a really boring letter from Joe. (And a poem from the lion.)

May 20, 2007

Josh and Brian podcast from the psychic headquarters of AA Cafe. Josh, being a barista, and Brian, also being a barista, talk about how much you should appreciated a good barista. Coffeenews focuses on Sam Bucks, David Fell's coffeehouse in Broken Arrow, and some other weird stuff. Mark Prince from the CoffeeGeek...