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   AA Cafe Podcast from DoubleShot Coffee Company

Explore coffee through history, science, music, and other vaguely-related topics. Join Brian Franklin from Tulsa Oklahoma's DoubleShot Coffee Company and co-host Mark Brown from as they meander around coffee-inspired ideas and engaging interviews.

Aug 30, 2007

Jogcast #3 The Leadville Trail 100 in Leadville Colorado. My final attempt to finish what many say is the toughtest ultra in the US. You have no idea how hard it is.

Aug 1, 2007

WCD World Coffee Domination. That's what Isaiah (the profit) and I have up our sleeves. It's the podcast that hatches our plan. But first, we discuss how long customers should stay after closing time. And the fact that Starbucks is copying off us again by teaming up with Hershey. And if you hurry up and listen, you...