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   AA Cafe Podcast from DoubleShot Coffee Company

Explore coffee through history, science, music, and other vaguely-related topics. Join Brian Franklin from Tulsa Oklahoma's DoubleShot Coffee Company and co-host Mark Brown from as they meander around coffee-inspired ideas and engaging interviews.

Dec 17, 2018

Mark and Brian reunite to taste and discuss the Hartmann Anaerobic Natural Gesha coffee. A phone call from archaeologist Paul Bowman gives some insight into 1950s Panama. And the episode concludes with 10 things that are not unhappy. You should make your own list.

Dec 1, 2018

Mark Brown returns to taste and talk about the Hartmann Gesha Zuto Natural. Aliss Hartmann tells a little about her family history and some about the coffee we're drinking. Mark and Brian struggle to put into words the experience of the Gesha with its food pairing, a fresh blueberry lemon bar. Find this coffee at